Hello all, Chaz Coolington here.
As regular listeners already know, "The Cool Down w/ Chaz Coolington," has been on hiatus for a couple of weeks now. This break has given us all a chance to recharge our batteries a bit. By "us" of course I mean only myself and my ex-wife, the producer of "The Cool Down w/ Chaz Coolington," Lisa Coulington.
She fired everybody else.
That's right. No longer will we receive the razor sharp quips and astute Doppler radar analysis that we have come to expect from Ace Windstorm.
No longer will listeners delight in the often times inexplicably monotone outbursts of John LaFontaine.
Why did all this happen?
Lisa, in the throws of a Katrina like mood storm brought on by the impending birth of her bastard child as well as a well timed (and equally as well acted) vignette me and the boys had cooked up in order to shed some light on her less than clandestine past, did the thing she knew would hurt me the most. She cut down two of the finest radio men working today in their prime. She even tore up Ace's talk show host license which was really mean spirited if you ask me. There was also a time machine involved. Don't ask too many questions.
I'm not going to say it hasn't been hard. I'm not even going to say the lack of support for the "Bring back Ace and John" petition I have yet to get around to making hasn't been disappointing.
All I am going to say is this; I will be back. Next week in fact. And the show is half as long now because only my brother, our super fan Will, and the occasional mafia hitman listen apparently.
You three keep me strong when I shiver alone in the world - Chaz
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